This sunday May 4th at 8pm est Eric "Butterbean" Esch will be on the S&M show live to talk about his upcoming fight, and to talk about his transition into MMA. He is known as the "king of the 4 rounders" and he is an athlete that has no fear. You can listen to the show by clicking the listen live button below. Come join us in chat, and call in at 347-324-5475.
I have also posted a highlight video of what this guy is capable of. check it out!!!
I was thinking about taking Rachael Ray out of my spank bank, I thought she was starting to get fat, and her boobs were shrinking or something. I can say after I seen these pictures she isn't going anywhere. What a hot piece of azz she is, nice legs.
If you are interested in obtaining Deminski and Doyle video from some of their live events let me know. I have Wing cups 1,2,3, and 5. I also have a halloween show, and a St. Patty's day party they did. If you are interested email me at The DVD's are $10 for the first and $5 dollars each additional, so if you wanted all 6 it will be 35 bucks. They will be burned copies, and I have paypal, so let me know if you are interested.
You have to watch out next time you are walking through the park, watch this video where a dog likes to bite people in the privates. And the owner admits her dog has bitten her in the vagina, too damn funny.
Next Sunday April 13th, we will be joined by a very special guest, you have seen him on Jerry Springer, and have heard him on the Howard Stern show, he is Riley Martin. Riley is a very interesting individual, he is believed to have been abducted by aliens, and has some very exciting stories. Grace yourself as Riley Martin and the BS show collide on Blog talk radio Sunday, April 13th at 8pm, this should be a fun night, we will have the chat open, and you can call in with your questions 347-324-5475. Come join us at I have inserted some video of Riley on the Jerry Springer show....Enjoy You can also visit his site at he has some fun things you can purchase, and his book "the coming of tan"
I have been enjoying the week with my daughter, she has the week off for spring break. I also have been sick. The next show is scheduled for Sunday April 6th at 8pm, Mini-me is on vacation so my friend Kelly from California will join me for a sports edition of the BS show. I can't wait to see how that goes lol. So come join us.